From left to right: Sleena Wilson, Neilesh Verma, Grace Tan, Jessica Tobin, Kabir Singh, Mohini Herse, Shirong Wu, Karen Radzyner, Neil Sharma, Sarah Tilleke - CANNESERIES 2023
Mohini Herse is writer, director and designer best known for creating the mystery series Appetite. Appetite was commissioned in 2022 by SBS and Screen Australia as part of the SBS Digital Originals initiative. The show had its world premiere at CANNESERIES as part of the Official Short Form Competition before premiering on SBS on Demand on April 22nd 2023. Appetite also screened in competition at Cinema Jove Film Festival, Serien Camp and Marseille Web Fest, winning awards at all respective festivals. Appetite has recently been nominated for a Rose D'Or and a C21 International Drama Award.
Mohini is currently in production as lead director for Four Years Later an 8X30min drama for SBS Australia and ITV. Set between India and Australia, the international co-production follows the lives of a newly-wed couple who are separated for Four Years. As well as this, Mohini was recently awarded the Screen Australia Enterprise Fund where she will embark on a placement with the award winning production company Merman for 6 months in 2024. During the placement she will shadow an upcoming production as well as work across Merman's development slate.
She is also in development for her feature “HAIR” which has been awarded the Generate Development fund from Screen Australia and was selected to participate in the 2019 Australian Writer's Guild and AFTRS Talent Camp initiative. As well as developing her own projects, in 2021, Mohini had the privilege of working as Taika Waititi's Assistant on Thor: Love and Thunder. She is also known for directing Australia’s first ever Instagram series The Out There (2016). Season 2 of The Out There was commissioned and released by Adolescent Content, changing the way the industry viewed short form storytelling.
She is currently a resident of the Museum of Applied Arts and Science Film Collective Residency program. She was also a recipient of the AFTRS and AiF Charlie's Hot Desk program (2021) and UNSW ’s SAM Alumni Residency (2020). Mohini is also especially interested in social impact filmmaking, having completed a residency with Wilurara Creative and the Ngaanyatjarra shire in 2018. Mohini holds a Bachelor of Media and Production (minor in Film Studies) from UNSW as well as a Graduate Certificate in Directing from AFTRS. She also owes a lot of her film smarts (and her hot glue burns) to her early days working in music videos and content for the film collective Oh Yeah Wow.

For all enquires please email mohini.herse@gmail.com
Mohini is represented in Australia and the UK by Curtis Brown
For any further enquires please contact katie.battcock@curtisbrown.co.uk